Champagne and art of living,  Santé

Champagne and art of living

Is champagne good for your health?

Champagne is synonymous with celebration all over the world. No party, wedding, birthday or business contract can be celebrated properly without champagne. Better still, consuming champagne, in moderation of course, brings several health benefits. But the real question is: is champagne really good for our health? The Grande Charte will answer this question and reveal the beneficial properties of this wonderful wine.

The health benefits of champagne

Few people know this, but champagne, before becoming a celebratory wine, was previously considered a therapeutic remedy to aid digestion, cure depression and rheumatism and promote recovery from childbirth – in fact it was said to heal any ailment! Champagnes’ wonderful properties mean it has earned its reputation. In the next section we will consider the 5 great health benefits of champagne.

A reduction of cardiovascular risk

Like red wine, champagne is good for your heart. It contains antioxidants that protect blood vessels, prevent blood clots and reduce bad cholesterol. A study from the University of Reading in the United Kingdom, concluded that “a glass of champagne a day could reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. A great reason to drink champagne.

A detoxifying drink with antioxidants

With its high magnesium and calcium content, champagne promotes the elimination of toxins and also has laxative properties. A glass after a meal promotes digestion and activates the mobility of the colon.

To top that, champagne also has dermatological virtues. Thanks to its antioxidant and detoxifying properties, it helps to fight bacteria, which enhances your complexion and prevents skin aging. One more good reason to drink champagne

Great for well being and mental alertness

When you drink a glass of champagne, you usually feel a sense of joy. It boosts your mood, which comes from the magnesium, potassium and zinc it contains.

In addition, drinking one to three glasses of champagne per week has a positive effect on your memory, according to a study conducted on rats at the University of Reading. It has been concluded that champagne can improve spatial memory and cognitive abilities as well as in some cases, protect against neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s. According to researchers, its benefits come from the phenolic compound it contains.  A third good reason to drink it.

An aphrodisiac drink

Recognized for thousands of years as a symbol of seduction, champagne  has aphrodisiac virtues, similar to fresh ginger juice or cocoa, both said to enhance love making. This interesting finding is based on a study conducted on 788 women aged 18 to 50 years in 2013. by the University of Florence, Italy. In fact, champagne acts on the receptors in the brain that are responsible for triggering the release of hormones associated with happiness and pleasure. Drinking champagne increases blood flow and triggers disinhibition and sexual desire, it stimulates estrogen for women and testosterone for men, which helps to spice up the libido. A fourth good reason to enjoy champagne.

One of the lowest calorie alcohols

We all know that alcohol can be fattening and most of us often have to choose between our waistlines and our alcohol consumption. A glass of champagne contains about 80 calories, so it is considered low-calorie. Drinking a glass of champagne is therefore not incompatible with a diet. Just drink it in moderation of course.

The possible negative effects of Champagne on health

Champagne, even if it has many benefits, remains an alcoholic beverage, and as with all alcoholic drinks should be consumed in moderation to avoid causing adverse effects on your health.

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that drinking too much alcohol is to blame for about one in twenty deaths worldwide, and many diseases, accidents, injuries and homicides are alcohol induced.

Regularly drinking too much alcohol accentuates degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, which tops the list of diseases linked to excessive alcohol consumption. A study published in 2018, conducted in French hospitals on 57,000 people with early dementia, (ie. showing symptoms before the age of 65) shows that overconsumption of alcohol was involved in almost 1 out of 2 cases. According to a study coordinated by Inserm, drinking more than 10 glasses per week increases the risk of developing dementia  by 20%.

According to French recommendations, you are advised not to drink more than two glasses per day or more than 10 glasses per week. To avoid negative effects, don’t drink alcohol every day.

To take full advantage of the benefits of champagne, we advise you to follow the French recommendations mentioned above and to consume high quality champagne. Discover our range of excellent champagne here: and in our stores by subscribing.

You are now informed about the health effects of champagne. To learn more, check out my articles on the history of champagne and the secrets of making champagne wine using the champagne method.